maandag 15 februari 2010

Rakrel Romanes?

To talk the talk;

"Knikker Lagréne singing in Romanes."

My passion for Gypsy music is not limited to the sounds alone but also to the culture of Roma and Sinti. The ideology of freedom and creative beauty is one loads of us long for. Although sadly the lives of the Rom are often submitted to racism and persecution they still manage to cultivate theire heritage of blessed musicality and their own language spoken from the depths of the Eastern European countrys to the South of France. Romanes is a language wich finds here roots in India just like the Rom do (or Dom as they called themselves at that time). Later the language evolved as the Rom started to travel over Armenia and Eastern Europe. It became a mix of German,Italian, Romanian and Hungarian. A beautiful language very suitable for beautiful songs....

Find translations from English to Romanes in this elaborate Romanes Lexicon

Click to read entire weblog!

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